Happy and Healthy?

How many times have you thought about what really helps you to stay healthy and happy?

What I would think of first is: exercise, good night sleep, reducing stress in life and definitely having a positive and inspiring people around me. What would you think of first?

The Harvard study shows the very clear message: Social connections are really good for us. Loneliness is simply killing us. You can still be lonely in a crowd, or even in marriage. So it’s not only about having a bunch of people around you, but it’s quality of your close relationship that matters.

The good relationships don’t mean they are smooth and perfect all the time, but the assurance that you can count on your spouse, friend or community is what is most important. I believe this has a lot to do with stress reduction. When you know you are not alone, and you have someone to rely on or maybe just someone who listen to you with focus and compassion you feel safer, calmer and more relaxed.

People, who are the most satisfied in their relationships in their 80’s are usually the most healthy. Good close relationships with your family, partners, children, friends are a cure for your body and brain. Those relationships are enormously responsible for your life happiness.

Don’t get me wrong but it’s probably more than important to start replacing staring at your TV or phone for real, value time with people who you do respect, care about and like. But if you are like some of my clients, who often tells me on our very first session “I don’t like to go out” or “I don’t trust anyone anymore” or “I don’t need anyone” then please let me work with you on this. “Is this really what you believe in or is just a cover for some beliefs, which you might hugely benefit to take care of straight away”? Please contact me here if you need support with taking care of what you might be missing to enjoy your life fully.

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