About Anya

transformational strategic coach
intuitive therapist

transformational coach
life strategy therapist

Anya Piatkowska is a passionate transformational and strategic coach and intuitive therapist. Author of books: ‘Art of Life Guide’ and ‘Flow życia. Moc bycia”. The initiator of the ‘Grow.Impact.Slovenia’ community and local #stepbystephikes group. Free spirit, mama & wife. Conscious living and nature advocate. 

I want to help people to let it flow, instead of felling stuck in not serving energy/situations/circumstances/feelings/emotions.

As a certified life strategy therapist and transformational coach, Anya combines very practical ways how to master the art of life, unstuck from powerlessness, non-supportive beliefs, habits, and patterns that might run life on autopilot with self-awareness, and energy flow guidance. She works strategically and intuitively at the same time, to help you to take responsibility for your own life, grow confidence and learn to consistently go through changes while enjoying life to the fullest, inside out.

Certified from the Anthony Robbins’ school for Life Strategist, transpersonal psychology, and energy healing practitioner. Graduating from International Relations (Poland), Anya has continued her business, self-development education, and studies in the UK – London for over 12 years. Currently runs her international transformational ‘Art of Life’ coaching-therapy-education practice in Slovenia and online worldwide. Anya guides people who want to grow their personal and professional life consciously and holistically.

Anya is the person who walks her talk. Strong, sensitive, and real. Her motto is: ‘Keep it simple & enjoy your life.’ She likes to guide people on their life journey connecting practical and spiritual approaches to the client’s benefit. Everyone can improve their health, joy, happiness, and abundance state, but not everyone is ready to create it consistently and consciously. I am here to help you to awaken your potential and energy, and guide you holistically to your own happiness and success today.’

What is a
Transformational Coach?

A person who can awaken people’s potential & guide to mind, heart, and spirit integrity.

Transformational coaching and intuitive therapy are highly effective and rapid means of releasing the hidden potential of people and helping to reach personal goals and objectives quicker than they ever thought possible.

As a Transformation Therapist, I facilitate my client’s growth and change, developing unique relationships, and supporting and guiding them all along the way to their own life transformation and awakening. We work not only to make a progress but deal with what has blocked it until now. We work holistically and in a safe, loving space.

My work is all about guiding people to their own soul’s calling while connecting to the mind’s potential, and heart’s energy. To benefit from the conscious living in their full human power, creativity, and authenticity. Listening, asking guiding questions, and helping clients to hear and notice what they might miss. This is the basis of this relationship. As well as utilizing a holistic approach encompassing awareness of body, mind, soul, and spirit.

The breakthrough moments are indeed life-transforming when the taught strategies, awakened potential and unblocked energy are put into practice. Suddenly you know and feel that you have just awakened. And all this happens with a fresh perception and deep insight into your current situation. In the therapist-client relationship, I help you to release the inner wisdom and power to achieve the results you really need and wish for in life.

What is a
Life Strategy Coach?

A person who can solve real human problems.

A Life Strategy Therapist / Coach / Life Strategist has gone through intensive study and training in various life strategies. Trained to handle the whole range of human needs and life challenges. For most life strategy coaches, training focuses on one type of results such as goals, beliefs, or specific areas of life. While a Life Strategist addresses a wide range of human potential and obstacles to health, joy, abundance, and success.

Strategic Interventionists are trained to identify every type of obstacle that may be holding the client back. It might be the client’s internal beliefs, communication patterns, relationships, or/and their life stages challenges. The strategist will ‘prescribe’ practical strategies to create results in each of these areas. SI Coaches provide practical frameworks for the client to understand their options. And then offers them strategies and actions for bringing about the changes they want. Where some traditional life coaching methods focus on “the client discovering their own solutions”, Strategic Intervention Coaches help clients take practical action to transform their experience of life quicker and more effectively.

SI encompasses clarifying beliefs and values, goal setting, communication skill-building, relationship work, high performance and finding meaning, and purpose discovery. It uses creative modalities to help clients put their dreams into action. The SI Client learns about her/his needs, triggers, key relationships, and safety problems, and expands her/his ability to think creatively, see potential in every part of life, expand and deepen all their relationships, and overcome the fears which have limited their peace, joy, and progress.”


My mission is to guide you on your self-awareness journey in a friendly and tailored to your needs way. To teach you to fully use your mind’s potential and heart’s energy in daily life while trusting your Soul. Everyone deserves to know how to heal themselves and everyone should know how to be their own life creator and live in flow.  I love to teach these skills to those who want to be the change and improve their quality of life by living it more consciously.

Art of Life Guide

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